Starcom U S Space Force Toys. Space Force debuted on television screens in 1987 and the toy line hit stores around the same time. The race for knowledge and the fight to defend freedom are the heart of the courageous adventures of Starcom.

The animated syndicated show was developed by the Young Astronauts Council and was at the height of the space race and all things NASA and American. Subscribe to the Starcom Space Force List. Mar 14 2015 - Starcom.
It seems that many people are familiar with StarCom though I always thought it was a smaller series than many.
The US Space Force is a show that has been severely overlooked in the past. I would also disagree with the assertion that Starcom toys never caught on in the US. SFB Starhawk These toys were made by ColecoMattel from 1986 through the early 90s. The StarCom episodes were captured in 320 x 240 format at best resolution.